Wednesday, August 31, 2011

July 11, 2010 - The Wall, Hampton Beach, NH

The first surf of the year and of course, at the Wall. A great place for the kids to play at mid-low tide. The waves were semi clean and waist-head high, mostly chest high. Water was pretty warm and winds were from th north at about 10 mph. There was a bit of a rip current which would pull you out to sea unsuspectingly. You'd have to expend a lot of energy paddleing back in. I could some nice rides both rights and lefts. A couple of the were nice and long on the face. Had to either stay close in or go way out to catch waves, so I stayed in where there were more. The conditions kept changing with the tides. There was one time when I was trying to paddle out and about 8 chest-head high waves came in that I barely made over. Arms got tired and had some nice wipeouts. I almost hit some swimmers with my board, but they just said that was awesome and wished they were surfing. Seemed like tatoo day out there. Everyone was showing them off. The kids had a ball playing on the beach and in the water. Evan is loving the beach more and more. We went to the Grog in Newburyport after. Good food, good prices.

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