Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August 21, 2005 - Jeness Beach, Rye Beach, NH

I had to update my surf log at the request of Scott V...there's actually people that read this. Larry and Loretta stayed over the night before and me and Lar went up in the morning and the girls, including Melissa, met us there later. Larrys friend Lauren (the long boarder)also met us there. There was a low off shore. The day started off cloudy, but turned into a hot summer day. Surf was about waist-chest high and kinda mushy and bumpy in the morning but real fun. We got a lot of good rides. Got a nice long 2+ hour session in the morning before the girls arrived. There were a lot of people to avoid, but the water was warm and there were some sizable sets. A caught a few nice chest high lefts where I was crouched low and pumping past some people paddling out. I felt pretty cool. We went in for session 2 (bout 45 min) in the afternoon and it cleanud up a bit. Caught more rights this time. I was super tired after surfing this day, but had a load of fun. Can't wait till hurricane season.

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