Monday, August 31, 2020

August 14, 2020 - The Wall, Hampton Beach NH

 Day 3 of surf camping trip.  Did I surf this day?  Maybe.  Met a guy named Brig, who was really nice.  He was having some much fun swimming and paddleboarding even in tiny waves.  Said he had just move here from VA.  I took a swim and it was actually more fun than surfing.  Nice clear water.  Also tried the paddle board and discovered that it is just not a board you want to use in surf.

August 13, 2020 - The Wall, Hampton Beach NH

 Day 2 of early beaching.  Did I even surf this day?  Can't remember.

August 12, 2020 The Wall, Hampton Beach NH

 This was a three night camp trip to Wakeda with our pop-up.  A pretty nice trip actually, except for the extreme humidity.  Because we have a new pup, we went to the beach first thing in the morning and left by about 11:00 AM.  First day, we got up and went to the Wall.  Surf was tiny the who week, but this was probably the best of the tiny days.  

July 16, 2020 - The Wall Hampton Beach, NH

 Catching up on surf log entries.  Took the day off to take Melissa and Lillian to the Wall.  I don't think I chose the day because of big surf, but was just not busy at work.  I don't think Melissa even brought her board.  Surf was not too memorable, maybe slightly messy and knee high.  The air was slightly cold, but water was really warm.  Lillian tried surfing. I asked her if she was OK, and she was like " Oh ya I got this, no problem.  No, she needed a lesson.  Anyways, good excuse to get out.  We went by several burrito places, but the girls had to have five guys.  It think this was my first time back into a restaurant since the start of COVID.