Wednesday, August 31, 2011

July 11, 2009 - Marconi Beach, Wellfleet, MA

Based on the knee high forecast, I was thinking of not even bringing my board down for our camping weekend at Nickerson with the McKeons. But it being the cape, knee high really means waist high, kinda like the Hawaii mentality. We ended up going to beach on the windiest and smallest of the 3 days. The beach was packed and was still pretty small from the June noreaster erosion. There was a 15-20 mph south wind and the surf was choppy and bumpy but about knee-waist with occasional slightly bigger. I'm glad I brought my board. I got a few decent but short rides. Some rights and lefts. Although Scott and the kids walked up to watch and brought with them flatness. The waves were pretty mushy and kinda fizzled out at the end and you had to pump em. The wind blew me pretty far north and I got a good workout. After surfing, I put on my 2 mil top and rode some shorebreak with Zach. That hurt. And afterwards, you guessed it...the earlybird at Arnolds.

1 comment:

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