Sunday, July 7, 2024

July 7, 2024 - Jeness Beach, Rye, NH

We were supposed to meet George and Shannon in Salisbury after going to Rye, but they left because the weather was iffy.   So, I went surfing solo.  First time back out this year.  I've been battling back problems again since late May and have been making progress, so was being very cautious as to not hurt or pull anything.  This weather was perfect for surfing.  Cloudy, but hazy with some sun peaking through.  Keeps the masses away so easy parking by Cable Road.  I used the 9 foot McTavish for first time in while.  This board is lot heavier than the RC, so it takes more momentum to get it going.  Really only had one really good ride, which was a right on the face, but otherwise pretty slow rides with waist high semi clean waves.  It was hazy so I lost track of where I was on the shore.  Water was freezing cold.  Again my ribs hurt the day after.

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